[ProAudio] [ProAud] The High-Resolution Challenge

Corey Bailey Audio Engineering proaudio at baileyzone.net
Tue Feb 11 18:27:33 EST 2020

For all of those who watch Blu Ray discs:

Know that the vast majority of major studios who (re)released their 
existing catalogue of older movies, simply repurposed the existing audio 
from their previous NTSC releases (16/48). In some cases, they up-scaled 
the video as well. Obviously, this does not apply to movies released in 
the digital domain of which the audio tracks were most likely 24/48.

Been there, done that.


Corey Bailey Audio Engineering

On 2/11/2020 12:56 PM, Richard L. Hess via ProAudio wrote:
> From a friend who I've been discussing this with as well who is not on 
> the list:
>> I think the law of unintended consequences applies here. 
>> Occasionally, when the record companies re-issue the title for HD, 
>> they find an earlier generation "master", or they do a better job at 
>> re-mastering.
> So that is one good reason to support HD re-mastering. But it would 
> not be necessary if the record companies had done what they should 
> have for the first round of CD issues. And this statement does not 
> diminish any of the comments below, hence why it's an "unintended 
> consequence."
> Cheers,
> Richard

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