[ProAudio] Lossless audio on YouTube

Nicolin Salis nsalis at bluewin.ch
Mon Apr 26 23:21:29 PDT 2021

"When I say "I am old", I mean old enough to recall my father coming home with a stereo equipment made in Germany, which included a demo. Much of it was the sound of a train moving from the right to the left (or left to right), and of course the famous ping pong demonstration - left, right, left...

The beatles came later..."


Most likely a record made by Philips in Hamburg/ Germany. They were very popular in German speaking countries.

Nbr. 88003ADY was produced by Sidney Frey and Siegfried E. Loch. Mixing was by William Hamilton and Dr. Hans-Gerhard Lichthorn. Editing by Gene Ryland and Ludwig Bender.

Nbr. 88143DY was produced by Eli Asser and Wolfgang R. Schmidt, Sound Engineering by Gerhard Beckers and Georg Dozel.

Nick Salis

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