[ProAudio] Lossless audio on YouTube

Louis Judson loujudson at mac.com
Mon Apr 26 10:33:13 PDT 2021

Grey cells indeed! Made me get it out and listen again.

For my taste the 2017 remix is the best of all. I’ll need to go back and check Recording the Beatles to see who did the after hours stereo mix in 67,,, As I recall it wasn’t George Martin. ??
Lou Judson * Intuitive Audio
415-271-8070 mobile

I'm just a simple sound engineer, nothing more, nothing less.
-- paraphrase of the Dalai Lama.

> On Apr 25, 2021, at 8:47 AM, Louis Hone via ProAudio <proaudio at bach.pgm.com> wrote:
> In the opening number, Paul is on one side but the chorus is on the other and then slowly pans to the middle and Paul takes over on the other side.
> In 1967 most stereo albums had set the format with vocals + bass center. 
> I think one of the reasons this album is so fabulous is that they more or less said "there are no rules or recipes - anything goes." 
> They used the panorama very creatively. You don't get much of that anymore.
> I don't care for the mono remix from the Mono Box Set. For my taste, it's over compressed and harsh.

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