[ProAudio] Lossless audio on YouTube

Louis Judson loujudson at mac.com
Sat Apr 24 13:27:20 PDT 2021

Good points, Bob. Remnds me of the Beatles recording and monitoring in mono originally, yet how many “fans” consider the stereo versions definitive. I’m always refreshed listening to the mono mixes again! Also appreciating the remixes over the years…

I’ve never heard 5.1 or any surround at all… (except for a few movies) - primitive I may be, but I am not feeling any lack.
Lou Judson * Intuitive Audio
415-271-8070 mobile

I'm just a simple sound engineer, nothing more, nothing less.
-- paraphrase of the Dalai Lama.

> On Apr 24, 2021, at 1:21 PM, Bob Olhsson via ProAudio <proaudio at bach.pgm.com> wrote:
> Recordings need to have all of the production decisions made while listening in the delivery format. Recordings, unlike movies, are intended for repeated playing which I think is a higher bar. We went through this same dance during the transition from mono to stereo in the 1960s.
> Bob Olhsson
> 615-562-4346

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