[ProAudio] Mastering and monitoring for spatial audio

CW Frymire cwfrymire at modernminstrel.com
Fri Apr 16 07:36:00 PDT 2021

Hi David,
I've been playing with this during the downtime this year........   I've 
used the Waves NX plug-in and the Abby Road Studios plug-in to 
convert/process 5.1 into binaural.   I don't have the new Apple HP's, 
but a close friend has a pair and says the binaural mixes I've sent him 
translate fairly well.    The main issue is that since everyone's head 
is a different size, the raw binaural mix will sound different to 
everyone, so calibration of the phones/software to the end user is key, 
especially with headtracking.   I've also been using the "standard" 
settings for printing the final mix rather than the "customized" to me 

I have found that converting traditional 5.1 to binaural seems to give 
more musical results than converting to Ambisonic and then to 
binaural....but I've only tried a limited number of tests on that.

Anyway, the workflow I've had the best results with is......   create a 
5.1 mix in whatever DAW,  I use DP...... Insert Waves NX or alternative 
5.1 to Binaural plug in on the master buss.   Fuss with panning and 
placement....., print the two channel "headphone/binaural" mix. 
Headtracking is done by the listener's device, I use/have the Waves NX 
Headtracker (bluetooth device attached to my headphones), Apple has the 
headtracking tech built in to the phones.  Either way, the head movement 
info is sent to the software and is used to rotate the surround space, 
it is not burned in to the actual audio, which is just a normal binaural 
mix.  My understanding is that the new Apple phones simply take the 
source material (5.1, 7.1 Atmos whatever) and convert it to binaural and 
then apply headtracking along with the other nifty features based upon 
the sensors and mics in the headphones.   There may be more behind the 
Apple curtain that I have missed.......

Hope this is helpful.....



Chris Frymire
Modern Minstrel Mixing

moskowitz via ProAudio wrote on 4/16/21 5:09 AM:
> Hi David,
> You might ask this on Facebook's Headtracked Binaural group.
> Len Moskowitz (moskowit at core-sound.com)
> Core Sound LLC
> www.core-sound.com <http://www.core-sound.com>
> Home of OctoMic and TetraMic
>> On April 15, 2021 at 7:53 PM David Josephson via ProAudio 
>> <proaudio at bach.pgm.com <mailto:proaudio at bach.pgm.com>> wrote:
>> Do any of you have current experience managing a workflow from e.g. a 
>> 5.1 surround recording to reproduction with head tracking in Apple 
>> spatial audio? I have a client who would like to record and play back 
>> ambient soundscapes where listenera can move their head within the 
>> soundscape, at least in rotation.
>> Thanks
>> David Josephson

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