[ProAudio] 90 Min CRR?

Louis Judson loujudson at mac.com
Sat May 2 12:29:28 EDT 2020

I have only one client that needs CDs any more, and she is a blind drummer who doesn’t use computers. Nowadays I dropbox the files to a neighbor of hers, and he sneakernets a CD to her. But thaty is only for her approval, the final product is on YuTube.

Welcome to the modern world. I still buy CDs form musicians at gigs just to support them, but they end up in iTunes anyway!
I’d LOVE to hear that Kenton project if it is at all possible!:-)


Lou Judson * Intuitive Audio
415-271-8070 mobile

I'm just a simple sound engineer, nothing more, nothing less.
-- paraphrase of the Dalai Lama.

> On May 2, 2020, at 12:03 PM, Tim Požár via ProAudio <proaudio at bach.pgm.com> wrote:
> Music companies stopped doing this years ago in distributed to outlets like radio stations.  They just point stations to either a depot that they can get cuts or they email the MP3 file to the station.
> Tim
> On 5/2/20 8:17 AM, Richard L. Hess via ProAudio wrote:
>> Hi, Jim,
>> I have just about stopped making CDs. I'm delivering everything electronically, mostly via Dropbox.
>> Just a quick note that back in the day I was doing that, I did stock 80 minute blanks, but I did find the last batch a bit shy of 80:00, I don't know if 79:50 would work, but I suspect that Mark Whitehouse's number is close to what I ended up doing.
>> But, more pertinent to your current issue, I stocked single-width two-CD jewel cases because I had LOTS of projects that wouldn't even fit on an 80-minute disc. The good news for us is I got to charge for two CDs worth of "CD Prep!"
>> I don't miss doing CDs.
>> Cheers,
>> Richard
>> On 2020-05-02 3:31 a.m., Jim Brown via ProAudio wrote:
>>> I haven't mastered a CD for at least 15 years, and I've got an informal project (a 1956 Kenton concert in Berlin) that runs just short of 90 minutes. When I was last mastering actively (informally for jazz collectors) I used CDRWin and 80 min blanks from a vendor I trusted.
>>> Suggestions for my current project? Old vendor is probably long gone. And are the 90 min burns likely to be playable on consumer players?
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