[ProAudio] The High-Resolution Challenge

Louis Judson loujudson at mac.com
Sat Feb 15 23:06:05 EST 2020

Personally, my own bandwidth has narrowed! But enjoyment and ability to mix has not diminished a dB. I’m not quite 70 yet.

Sometimes I think that tinnitus is nature’s dither. I can hear more low level detail when it isn’t as quiet as a country backyard… in a silent room the (inner) noise is excruciating.

Dan, I have always thought you talk more sense than a hundred audiophiles.


Lou Judson * Intuitive Audio
415-271-8070 mobile

I'm just a simple sound engineer, nothing more, nothing less.
-- paraphrase of the Dalai Lama.

> On Feb 15, 2020, at 3:47 PM, Dan Lavry via ProAudio <proaudio at bach.pgm.com> wrote:
> I am old. I saw how 1KB ram made room to 40GB. There was AM radio and we now deal with many GHz... But to the best of my understanding the ear bandwidth has not seen much change...
> Regards
> Dan Lavry

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