[ProAudio] Removing Crosstalk Was: stereo perception throughheadphones

Corey Bailey Audio Engineering proaudio at baileyzone.net
Sun Feb 2 14:18:23 EST 2020

THX Bob!

You just provided a cross reference to what John told me during one of 
our chats.


Corey Bailey Audio Engineering

On 2/2/2020 1:31 PM, Bob Olhsson via ProAudio wrote:
> John Windt ran Motown’s shop in Detroit and built the first 1” 8-track 
> with remote input switching and punch-in capability in 1964.
> Tom Dowd told me we pioneered modern multitrack recording. He had only 
> used Atlantic’s second-ever machine for a safety and for stereo remix 
> capability on live to mono dates. John told me he excitedly told Les 
> Paul about that machine at the next  AES show and to his surprise, 
> Paul was ready to slug him. I told that story to Dowd and he said Les 
> Paul’s machine had “problems” and he’d had to make some pretty major 
> changes to get Atlantic’s to work. Tom had loaned us his 1” alignment 
> tape to get our machine up and running. I later learned that Ampex 
> only made that one and were not planning to make any more.
> Anyhow my point is to give you a little context for John’s work.
> Bob Olhsson 615-562-4346
> *From: *Corey Bailey Audio Engineering via ProAudio 
> <mailto:proaudio at bach.pgm.com>
> Since JW's facilities had MCI machines, perhaps that's where he got 
> the idea.
> Corey
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