[ProAudio] AES on the west coast, was Re: Ampex/ProAudio List Dinner

Lampen, Steve Steve.Lampen at belden.com
Mon Nov 4 17:05:09 EST 2019


You can save some time by saying what I have said is

(just write here)

(just write here)

(just write here)

Your response would be greatly appreciated!

Steve Lampen
2310 Broderick St.
San Francisco CA 94115-1005
Cell  1-415-531-4668 worldwide
Office 1-415-440-8393
Home 1-415-440-8424
steve.lampen at belden.com
Check out my web page  www.stevelampen.com

-----Original Message-----
From: ProAudio [mailto:proaudio-bounces at bach.pgm.com] On Behalf Of Jim Brown
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2019 4:59 PM
To: proaudio at bach.pgm.com
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [ProAudio] AES on the west coast, was Re: Ampex/ProAudio List Dinner

THIS. Caps for emphasis.

I strongly urge you to study Bill's tutorials and mine. Here are links
to mine.

The first three are written for pro audio.

This one is written for ham radio operators, which make wide use of
unbalanced audio interconnections and have serious antennas.

Jim Brown

On 11/4/2019 4:05 PM, Corey Bailey Audio Engineering wrote:
> For equipment that I want to be truly ground isolated, I use a driven
> stake (Grounding Rod) and avoid AC ground if at all possible (local
> electrical codes be damned!). Then, follow the advice of someone who's
> knowledgeable on the subject of proper grounding. (Like, any of the
> three mentioned above.)

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