[ProAudio] Looking to decode Dolby AC-2

James Perrett james at jrpmusic.net
Thu Dec 9 13:47:51 PST 2021

I had a quick search when I first saw the query and came across many of the
things that Richard Hess has listed.

It appears that it has been included in the header files for the .wav file
format but I can't find any conversion software that supports it. It
appears to have been mainly used in broadcast automation systems from the
late 1990's and early 2000's which used hardware DSP's to decode the files.
I guess that there may be licensing issues that prevents third parties from
supporting it in software. It looks like you may need to obtain one of
these broadcast automation cards and transfer the material in real time.
The card at


is one example


On Thu, 9 Dec 2021 at 18:04, Tim Požar via ProAudio <proaudio at bach.pgm.com>

> Gang...  I am trying to help a station migrate an automation system
> library. Alas, it is encoded in Dolby AC-2. I can't find a way to
> convert AC-2 into something more standard. Any pointers to programs /
> libraries / plug-ins that can support decoding Dolby AC-2 into PCM or
> something else? Ideally something that I can script up to process 6,000
> or so cuts.
> Thanks in advance.
> Tim
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*       James Perrett
*       JRP Music Services, Hampshire, U.K.
*       Audio Mastering, Restoration, Recording and Consultancy
*       Phone +44 (0) 777 600 6107
* e-mail james at jrpmusic.net
* http://www.jrpmusic.net
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