[ProAudio] Lossless audio on YouTube

Dan Lavry dan at lavryengineering.com
Tue Apr 27 15:39:24 PDT 2021

Part of is in the presentation:One can point out that you can send the same quality with less bits. But if I understood your emails, some people may not be interested in "less bits". So the argument can be better audio, and it does not call for less bits. The bandwidth stays the same...Unfortunately I don't think that anyone i know has the needed contacts... Sent from Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
-------- Original message --------From: cheater cheater <cheater00social at gmail.com> Date: 4/27/21  12:59 PM  (GMT-08:00) To: Nicolin Salis <nsalis at bluewin.ch>, proaudio at bach.pgm.com Cc: Dan Lavry <dan at lavryengineering.com> Subject: Re: [ProAudio] Lossless audio on YouTube To get this thread back on track.Does anyone have ideas on how to approach the issue posed in the original post?On Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 5:32 PM Nicolin Salis via ProAudio<proaudio at bach.pgm.com> wrote:>> "When I say "I am old", I mean old enough to recall my father coming home with a stereo equipment made in Germany, which included a demo. Much of it was the sound of a train moving from the right to the left (or left to right), and of course the famous ping pong demonstration - left, right, left...>> The beatles came later...">>>> Most likely a record made by Philips in Hamburg/ Germany. They were very popular in German speaking countries.>> Nbr. 88003ADY was produced by Sidney Frey and Siegfried E. Loch. Mixing was by William Hamilton and Dr. Hans-Gerhard Lichthorn. Editing by Gene Ryland and Ludwig Bender.>> Nbr. 88143DY was produced by Eli Asser and Wolfgang R. Schmidt, Sound Engineering by Gerhard Beckers and Georg Dozel.>>>> Nick Salis>>> _______________________________________________> ProAudio mailing list> ProAudio at bach.pgm.com> http://bach.pgm.com/mailman/listinfo/proaudio
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