[ProAudio] DAT Transfers

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Tue Apr 6 19:12:18 PDT 2021

On 4/6/2021 1:21 PM, Bob Katz via ProAudio wrote:
> Dear Jim:
> I don't know what David is getting at. If you put your DAT machine on 
> internal sync and lock the MOTU via SPDIF or AES/EBU it will do a good 
> job capturing the DAT.
> The major cautions working in this mode (slaving to the DAT) is some DAT 
> machines revert to outputting 48k clock when they are stopped, so you 
> need to ensure that the DAT machine is putting out the intended (44.1k) 
> clock before you hit record in your DAW. And if you have a MOTU control 
> panel, watch what rate it says it is slaved at.

Thanks for all the advice, guys!


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