[ProAudio] FeralA - Recordings released encoded with Dolby A

Corey Bailey Audio Engineering proaudio at baileyzone.net
Sun Feb 9 17:48:44 EST 2020

Hi John,

While I understand that you are capturing both signals during playback 
(on yet, a different machine), aren't you assuming that the record head 
& the erase head were in perfect agreement on the original record deck?

That said, having looked at several multitrack heads on several brands 
of machines with a dual trace scope, when it came to azimuth, I would 
generally walk away shaking my head.

Inquiring minds,


Corey Bailey Audio Engineering

On 2/9/2020 1:32 PM, John Chester via ProAudio wrote:
> and I set azimuth on each cut by looking at the bias.
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