[ProAudio] AES on the west coast, was Re: Ampex/ProAudio List Dinner

proaudio at bach.pgm.com proaudio at bach.pgm.com
Wed Nov 6 12:14:25 EST 2019

I'm sure Ethernet officially isolated from ground, but at those voltages 
you can be sure lightning is going to find a path to ground. I'll have 
to examine those Furse protection circuits... I wouldn't be surprised to 
find bypass caps to circuit ground or large resistors (symmetrical).


On 11/6/19 2:19 PM, Scott Dorsey wrote:
> Ethernet is a special case because UTP ethernet is completely (well, up to 1KV
> if the interface meets specs) isolated from ground on both ends.  So you can
> run UTP between systems without worry about creating spurious ground paths,
> and you have no worries about induced ground currents (as long as the voltages
> stay under 1KV).
> If you are worried about voltages over 1KV, say you're running a line outdoors
> or near a big power ground, or up an antenna tower, you can buy inexpensive
> clamping circuits using gas arrestors and clamp diodes to eliminate surge
> problems.  If that's not enough (and it might not be if you are running up an
> AM broadcast tower), fibre ethernet is actually not much more expensive than
> UTP.
> The folks who came up with the 10BaseT standard were thinking on their feet.
> --scott
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